
Construction eMarketing partners with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to develop, implement, and manage all cloud services. Partnering with Construction eMarketing ensures your business, enterprise, or organization is receiving professional, trained, and accredited services. Construction eMarketing renders quality and secure Use Case development, including Web applications, back-up and archiving, IT service support, and Email app. All cloud services are hosted by AWS and are subject to the policies and recommendations of AWS. 

Construction eMarketing delivers cloud services that are consistent with standards in deploying cloud software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), or platform as a service (PaaS).

Effective cybersecurity policy for the public and private sector should align with domestic and international cybersecurity public policy recommendations and guidelines. Cybersecurity public policy designed and enacted by public sector derives from the White House, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Security Agency (NSA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), European Commission, parliament, and ministries.

Construction eMarketing delivers clearly conveyed and comprehensible training and consultation for public and private sector organizations, businesses, and enterprises, interested in developing and implementing cybersecurity policy that enforce workplace compliance. Relying on cybersecurity policy in the workplace can decrease the growth of cyber incidents deployed by external attack agents and internal human error. Cybersecurity policy implementation in the workplace helps decrease reputational damage as well as enterprise and organizational civil liabilities.

Partnering with Construction eMarketing to acquire training, instruction, and curriculum, to design, implement, and manage your workplace cybersecurity policy to protect the enterprise, employees, and technology tools relied on, is essential to doing business, domestically and internationally.

Contact Construction eMarketing to register your executive level team, IT practitioners, and employees in one of the 8-week asynchronous courses delivered through Canvas Instruct. Training provide effective methods in developing, implementing, and managing cybersecurity workplace policy that can be utilized for the longevity of your workplace cybersecurity policy needs.

| Term and conditions

Partnering with Construction eMarketing for training and consulting does not guarantee results sought by corporations, non-profits, academia institutions, or government seeking to acquire successful cyber attack incidents from occurring, after training and consultation has been attained from eLearning courses rendered by Construction eMarketing and instructor Bradley Fowler. It is standardized for Construction eMarketing to provide services and products in a eCommerce platform in alignment with federal laws and policy, domestically and internationally. Thus, all efforts are implemented to ensure services are provided ethically and with integrity in alignment with the CIA triad-confidential, integrity, and availability. This ensures Construction eMarketing is actively deploying services as required under U.S. Children’s Privacy Protection Act, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, and U.S. Taxation requirements.