8-week Master-level asynchronous courses

Learn the value of integrating cybersecurity public policy into your workplace and gain control over human error and policy non-compliance. Using the techniques delivered in this 8-week course will support your ability to outline and implement new cybersecurity policy that delivers results. Aligning cybersecurity policy with recommendation and guidelines from the National Institute of Standards and Technology 800 special publication series, GDPR, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and global public policy, can reduce liabilities, cost of legal fees, and decrease human error, a leading cause of cybersecurity breaches.

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Learn how to assess, develop, implement, and manage usage of AWS cloud services, infrastructure, and platform, using hands-on step by step procedures that reduce configuration errors and increase your ability to design effective EC2 instances. You will learn how to configure Use Cases for email, Web apps, IT support, and back-up and archiving. Distinguish how to integrate Cloud Watch Monitoring to secure your AWS cloud. Learn how to control cost. Increase scalability. Decrease cybersecurity risk and system vulnerabilities.

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Learn how to define effective information assurance risk management strategies that increase security of information systems, information technology, and cloud applications utilized for public and private sector. Aligning with National Institute of Standards and Technology 800 special publication series recommendations and guidelines, enables you to control risk woven in technology applications, software, hardware, and information systems. Having this knowledge prepares you to compete with competitors worldwide and gain leverage your organization needs to control risk factors that can create reputational damage and increase liability cost.

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